WPSL Social Media Extender

Social Media Extender is part of the WPSL Extenders Add-On.


Adds social media locations features to the WP Store Locator product. Requires WP Store Locator 2.2 or higher. Sites that have it installed, may need to upgrade to version 2.2 or higher.

The site administrator can add and manage social media including meaningful icons. After creation, each social media can be linked to a store location for display and searching on the map.


General and Social Media Settings
General and Social Media Settings

The Social Media Extender module supports the following settings:

  • Show Social Media in All Stores Whether to show the Social Media for each store in columns in the All Stores overview list.
  • Add Block To Social Media Legend? When enabled a block will appear under each social media icon shown in the legend.
  • Add Text To Social Media Legend? When enabled text will appear under each social media icon shown in the legend.
  • Hide Empty Social Media? Hide the empty categories from the social media selector. Locations not published are considered “empty”.
  • Social Icon Location: Shows the location where social media icons are stored.

Social Media overview

The Social Media tab on the WPSL Extenders page shows a table list with the information on all Social Media configured for this site. It also shows a button to add a new social media. For each social media, there are buttons to edit or delete the particular social media itself. The table also supports a bulk action to delete the selected social media in one action.

List Social Media
List overview of Social Media

Social Media information

Add Social Media
Add Social Media

For each event a number of settings is available:

  • Social Name The name of this social medium.
  • Social Slug The slug for this social medium. If it is left empty, the slug will be generated from the Social Name.
  • Description A free text field to contain the description for this social medium.
  • Social Base URL The base url for this social medium, e.g. https://twitter.com.
  • Social Icon The url to the icon for this social medium. It can be easily set by selecting an icon from the set shown.

When adding a social medium, the fields are empty. When editing a social medium, the same information is prefilled as shown in the screenshot below. Also, because the slug is used as key, it cannot be edited.

Edit Social Media
Edit Social Media

Managing Social Media on Stores

With the Social Media Extender module, an additional “Extenders Socials” section is added to the edit store page. This section shows all available social media. For each social medium, a text line can be filled with some text to indicate that this social medium has a relation with this store. An empty text field indicates that this store is not related to this particular social medium.

Edit Post Social Media
Edit Social Media related to a store location